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Measure + Build your Employee Experience & Engagement

You want to build an exceptional workplace culture- one where your employees are not only engaged but love their experience so much that they are willing to promote you to others. Becoming the company that everyone wants to work for is going to require some intentionality. That starts win measuring where you're at and where you want to be. In this post, I provide practical tips for improving your EX/Engagement journey.

What gets measured gets done. That includes employee engagement and experience.


The best leaders use data to gain clarity and motivate positive behaviors. PERIOD!


It doesn't matter if it's people data, like eNPS and Engagement…. Or client data, like cNPS… Or financial data.


When you measure your progress towards a goal, you get better alignment and ultimately results.


Ready to be the company that everyone wants to work for? The one with top-notch talent and results? It's going to take some intentionality! First things first, you have to see where you’re at to get where you want to be. Here are some tips to help you measure your employee experience and boost engagement.


Tip #1 - Get clear on your business needs and values.

Understand what's important to your organization

Gain buy-in and commitment from the top to craft an intentional culture and employee experience that supports your values and business needs. Without that commitment, even the best efforts to improve engagement and employee experience will fail.

Tip #2 - Focus on the FACTS!

Leave the interpretation up to the receiver

It’s ok to pump up the volume on the facts behind your expertise and achievements, but let others interpret those facts and come to their own conclusions about your awesomeness. Avoid overt claims to be a“guru”, “genius” or another over-the-top title.

Tip #3 - Get the Tea

Get feedback from employees

Create a feedback loop for employees to give youthe scoop on what’s important to them and whatit’s like to work at your company. Getting a regular cadence and method in place to get feed back helps you measure where you are relative to where you want to be. Let science and technology help you listen at scale by leveraging listening platforms like Sparck’s #BeHeard survey.

Interested in learning more about how you can leverage Sparck for your employee listening efforts? Contact me for more info.

Tip #4 - Peel the onion

Get a deeper understanding before you diagnose

Engagement surveys are a great way to get a baseline, but they’re not enough to paint a full picture of your employee experience.

Gain more clarity by using live “listening sessions”,1:1 conversations, virtual suggestion boxes and pulse surveys. Ask questions, clarify assumptions and test theories. Think of it like a treasure hunt, where the more clues you collect, the more riches you'll discover!

Tip #5 - Mind the gap

Assess the gaps between your aspirations and reality

Get real about where the rubber meets the road for your employees. What's the dream, and how does it match up with reality? Take a hard look at where your company culture shines and where it falls short. Only then can you bridge the gaps and make meaningful changes that drive your business and experience forward.

Tip #6 - Prioritize

Prioritize 1-2 areas of focus

Don’t bite off more than you can chew. This is one of the most common mistakes I see organizations make. Use employee feedback to identify 1-2 focus areas for meaningful change and 1-2 areas for sustainment.

A good place to start is the“drivers of engagement” from your survey. Commit to impactful focus areas and invite the organization to bring forward the solutions.

Tip #7 - Ignite change

Enable and expect change at every level

Empower employees and leaders to bring forward ideas and play an active role in solutions that make a difference. Set the expectation that everyone is part of building a great culture and employee experience.

It’s not just an “HR” or “Leadership” thing. Everyone should be invited to the party!

Tip #8 - Test-->Measure-->Adapt-->Repeat

Test your changes and measure their impact over time

Adapt your approach over time based on your learnings. Continue listening to employees to understand what needs attention next.

Progress in this space is rarely linear and never complete. It takes time and tinkering.

Tip #9 - Say thanks and keep your word

Build trust by demonstrating your commitment through actions

Create a psychologically safe environment where feedback is a healthy part of your culture. To do that you must build trust.

One of the simplest ways to build that trust is to say “thank you”. Share what you learned and what you’re going to do about it. Following through on those commitments is the ultimate way to build trust and encourage more honest feedback.

Are you ready to understand where your organization is on its journey to build an exceptional culture?



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